WLTP # 268 Meal Plan is back! Reservations are gone in 2024 & Bondo’s Tokyo Trip Report & Food Game!

On this episode of We Like Theme Parks, Bondo has returned to us after his voyage to the greatest Disney park in the world, Tokyo Disney Sea! Bondo unpacks his incredible trip and gives us the skinny about all the cool snacks he ate with a whole new game! “Did Bondo like It? Tokyo Snack Edition!”
But before all the Japanese fun, a ton of news dropped over at the Disney World Resort and Tinker J has you covered! We discuss the departure of the Reservation system, the return of the Disney Meal Plan, Good-To-Go days for AP holder and staff members and all the other info tidbits that came out of the recent parks announcement! Plus, Disneyland wants to expand?! What’s this now?!
We have all the news and all the Japanese Disney fun you can shake a Gyoza Dog at and it’s all on this week’s episode of the We Like Theme Parks Podcast on the Chip and Co. Podcast Network!